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Best mug niches for print on demand in 2021
We list more than 2,500 low competition and profitable mug niches for print on demand. In our table, you can see niche names, competition, and market activeness. In our free version, you have access to 50 mug niches with medium competition every day.
In our premium version, you access 1,500 untapped and profitable niches with low competition every day.
The niches in our premium plan are exclusive for our members. They will not be shared with our free users.
What is the difference between mug niches in the premium vs free plan?
We share niches with the medium competition with our free users. You can access 50 niches every day, but in the premium version, we share an exclusive 1100 low competition niches every day. By low competition, we mean niches with high market activeness and between 10 to 5000 competition.
How to select the mug niche that works for me?
Take a look at the niches daily, and try to come up with designs, and use our Etsy tags tool to generate tags for your design.
If you just started, and have less than 1000 sold items on Etsy, our advice is to focus on low competition niches, niches with less than 2000 competition, and ideally less than 500 items.
How to find untapped and profitable niches for POD?
Insightfactory is a print-on-demand niche research tool that explores popular marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon, and Redbubble to find print-on-demand niches and extract untapped and profitable niches.
Search inside the table to filter low competition niches based on your style.
What is market activeness score?
We give each niche a score from 100, which represents how many listings in the search result sold at least one item during the last week.
How do you get market activeness score and competition?
Competition is the number of listings available for a niche. If it’s more than 2000 listings, and you’ve just started out, your chance of getting to the top of the listing is low.
Market Activeness: Insightfactory monitors the marketplace every day and tracks every change in the market if a niche has an activeness score of 100, it means all of the first 100 listings, sold at least one item during the last week. So the market is scorching, if the score is 0, it means none of the listings sold anything during the last week.
Why we don’t offer average search volume like other tools?
Etsy doesn’t share search volume data and we only use reliable data from the marketplace, we believe bad data is worse than no data, so we only offer statistics and data from reliable sources.
Market activeness is the more reliable score to analyze a niche than search volume, some niches would be trending and have a lot of search volume but have a low conversion rate. Some Trends are eye candy, people like to look at the items, but they don’t like to use their credit card and buy it. Therefore we only focus on the purchase rate and market activeness. Average search volume does not pay the bills. Real purchase does.
How to find print on demand niches?
Insightfactory monitors niches on print on demand and searches for a topic of interest in the search bar to see the list of related low competition niches. We suggest exploring designs on Etsy and Redbubble, to get inspiration.