Generate Better Tags, Titles, And Descriptions To Increase Your Sales On Etsy.

Get in front of your customer's eyes on Etsy by improving your SEO.
Instead of spending hours looking for good keywords, InsightFactory Keyword Research Tool gives you keywords your customers are searching for with one click.

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161K+ etsy sellers are already with us
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Generate tags and titles with one click

InsightFactory Etsy Tag generator works based on what is working on Etsy right now. We only suggest tags that best-selling listings in your niche are using right now. You only need to copy and paste it into your listings.

  • 1

    Search your main keyword on the Keyword Research Tool

    InsightFactory analyzes Etsy in real time and shows you what listings are doing well in your niche. You can see their tags, titles, 7-day sales, and other hidden information.
    You can analyze any keyword on different Etsy regions, including the United States 🇺🇸, United Kingdom 🇬🇧, Canada 🇨🇦, Australia🇦🇺, and Germany🇩🇪.

  • 2

    Copy best-selling tags

    Generate tags based on best sellers' items on the first page of Etsy search results for this keyword.

  • 3

    Generate title and description

    Write a persuasive title and description based on Etsy SEO best practices and rank better on Etsy search results.

Get started

Create a free account and get 15 free credits. * No credit card required.
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I LOVE InsightFactory. I just work long shifts at our hospital, and will for 2 more nights and then will have some time off. Most of my sales have come from InsightFactory Trends. Before I would bounce from one thing to another, feel like I was wasting my time, I LOVE the time saving factor of copying the tags.

How Does It Work?

Insightfactory Etsy keyword research tool helps your Etsy shop get more sales. You can find popular products with the low competition with it. Generate the best Etsy tags, titles, and descriptions quickly, and get the most out of your listings.

Customers find listings on Etsy using Etsy search. By using the right keywords to describe your product. More customers will find your product and your sales will increase. Finding the right keyword is not guesswork. You need reliable data to find these keywords. It is very easy with Insightfactory. We do all the hard work, and you only click on copy best-selling tags. That is it.

Search your niche on Etsy trends and identify trending products with low competition in your niche.

- Activate the Beginner-Friendly Filter to see only low-competition keywords. It's the perfect way for new shops to increase sales.
- You can see a list of popular niches on the Etsy trends page.

How it is better:

It is the only way you can find trends that you have no idea about.
InsightFactory finds trends 2 to 3 months earlier than other platforms.
We only focus on sales metrics. And verify sales of a keyword in the past 7 days before listing it on the trends database. As a result, keywords on the trends database have a high potential to increase your sales.

Unlike other platforms relying on 3rd party data (Meaning buying keyword data from Google search and estimating Etsy search volume based on it. Data at best has a 1-month delay.),
InsightFactory collects its data and detects trends based on accurate and real-time sales data.

Popular trending categories:
Trending digital products on Etsy
Trending print-on-demand products with low competition

Customers find listings on Etsy using Etsy search. By using the right keywords to describe your product, more customers will find your product and your sales will increase.
Finding the right keyword is not guesswork. You need reliable data to find these keywords. It is very easy with Insightfactory. We do all the hard work and you just press copy best-selling tags. That is it.

Get better tags and titles

Search for your main keyword on the Etsy keyword research tool, then click on copy recommended tags. That's it. Insightfactory generates 13 tags based on Etsy SEO best practices.
These tags help your listing rank better on Etsy and drive more sales.

AI Description Helper

From 2022, the first paragraph of your listing description is an Etsy SEO factor.
It is important that your keywords get used in a paragraph in a human-readable way.
Insightfactory AI description writer writes a persuasive product description for your Etsy listing. It helps your ranking on Etsy and converts more visitors to customers.

One of the difficult parts about selling on Etsy is getting your listing on top of Etsy search results. This can make a big difference in how many views you get from people who search for products. There are many factors that go into how Etsy SEO (Search Algorithm) works, but the factors that are in your control are your title, tags, and description. If you want to get found by more people and increase your Etsy shop sales then you need to know how to generate great tags and titles. Learn more.

Beginner Friendly Trends are keywords with competition lower than 2500 and good sales signal.
If you just started your Etsy shop, we recommend only focusing on Beginner Friendly Trends.

How to use Beginner Friendly Trends

Search for your keyword on the Etsy trends page. When you see the results activate the Beginner-Friednly filter.

Beginner Friendly Low-competition trends

Research your niche to find what products are selling well and the keywords that they used.
Search your keyword on Product Research Tool and look at 7-Days sales.
InsightFactory shows you the number of recent sales of each listing.
The ideal niche for a beginner shop has many items listed less than three months ago, and many of them had sales in the past week. continue reading.

Why recent sales is more important than views and search volume?

Views and search volume could be misleading since many sellers and potential sellers look at different listings and search for keywords, but of course, their intention is not to purchase them.
(When was the last time you bought something in your niche? When was the last time you searched your keyword?) Some people love to look at different products but never buy them.
Recent sales are the only metric that shows customers are interested and they pay for it. It is important to focus on recent sales.
You want to make sure a listing is in high demand right now.

Etsy Research Tool For The UK Market 🇬🇧

Use this Etsy Keyword Tool to discover the most valuable keywords for your Etsy shop in the UK.

This tool will help you find the best keyword for your Etsy shop in the United Kingdom market by analyzing competitors and other similar shops in England.

The keywords you find with this tool will help you promote your shop in search engines and get more visitors and sales.

Best Etsy Keywords in Canada🇨🇦

Our Etsy keyword tool will help you find the best-selling Etsy keywords and phrases for your Etsy shop in Canada and help you get found on Etsy in the market in Canada. Just search the most relative keywords or phrases to your product, then you'll see the list of top-selling Etsy items for that niche. You can see the time the listing was created and their last sales, as well as favorites, the title, and all the tags used for the listing.

If you are curious about learning more about finding best-selling products on Etsy, check out the article Best Etsy spy tool for finding top-selling products.

Popular Etsy tags in Canada🇨🇦

All you have to do is enter a few words describing your product and our Etsy keyword tool will generate hundreds of low-competition keywords which are proven to sell in Canada. All of these keywords are sorted based on a score that specifies the keyword efficiency in the Etsy market of Canada.

🇩🇪 Deutsch etsy tags generator

Insightfactory Deutsch Etsy tags generator finds the right tags for your german keywords on (Etsy Deutschland). When you search for a Deutsch word. We analyze the first page of search results in Etsy Deutschland and list the most used tags and phrases for your searched term on Etsy Deutschland.

I'm only selling on (Etsy Deutschland 🇩🇪) and I only want german tags and titles. What should I do?

When you search for a german word. We analyze the first page of search results in Etsy Deutschland.
Etsy translates titles and tags into different languages. And if you see an English title or tag. It means the original title or tags are written in English.
By using them, Etsy will translate your tags and titles to german for users in Germany.
However, If you want to only use german keywords. It is better to use copy tags feature. Select a listing with german tags and copy those tags instead of "Best-selling tags".

Q: How to use Insightfactory Etsy Keyword Tool for Deutschland

On the search bar select Germany and then search Deutsch keyword. Insightfactory will show you the best-selling tags and titles on

The title of a product listing can be up to 140 characters in length including spaces. If your title is too long, Etsy will cut off the end of it and add an ellipsis (…).

Make sure to use any relevant keywords at the beginning of your title. Etsy puts more emphasis on the first words in product titles. Your title should clearly describe what your product is, but you should include as many relevant keywords as possible without sounding spammy.


The tags section can be up to 13 tags with 20 characters each. Etsy tags are extremely important when it comes to how your products rank in search results. This is where you will want to do some keyword research and find out what people are searching for when they visit Etsy.

Etsy SEO Checklist:

  • Select long-tail keywords and focus on 3 or 4-phrase keywords as the main keyword tag.
  • Repeat your main keywords in the Etsy title, description, and tags.
  • Respecting trademarks and copyrighting, many Etsy shops got closed because of that. So be careful.
  • Focus on low competition tags(less than 20000 results), and check the tags competition on the bottom of the result table.
  • Your chance of ranking for a low competition tag is much higher than a popular keyword.
  • Use all 140 characters in the title and all of the 13 tags.
  • Only focus on niche tags. General tags like Gift for her with more than 3M results won’t help your young Etsy store.
  • Put your main keyword tags at the beginning of the Etsy title.
  • Separate tags in the title using commas, or a "|". It helps customers easily understand what you sell.
  • Be patient. Generate Etsy tags that sell, and update your listings, then wait for the Etsy algorithm to work. Don’t change titles and tags over and over again.
  • Follow our Etsy SEO articles.
  • The Etsy Seller handbook is a great reference for understanding Etsy SEO.

To learn more about Etsy SEO read this article What is Etsy SEO?

How InsightFactory finds trending Etsy tags

We monitor Etsy to determine which phrases are being used most often by sellers in each category. We found the top-selling tags in each one and then assigned them point values based on how often they were used

How does Insightfactory Tag Generator Work?

Our tag analyzer extracts Etsy tags of best-sellers. And it lists them here. We only use original data for our Etsy tag analyzer.
Insert your keyword in the search bar, and the tool gives you the best-seller Etsy tags for the keyword you searched. 
You can explore the keyword by looking at the results. Keyword data includes listing views, favorites, the last time each listing had sold an item, also the number of days that the listings are available on Etsy. And a very practical piece of information here is the 13 tags and the title used for each listing. You can also copy them with only one click. 

If you have just started your shop, only focus on the best-selling tags.

Etsy has an algorithm based on tags that determine which items come up at the top of search results. If you want to increase your sales and ensure your items are ranked highly within your chosen category, it is essential that you use popular Etsy tags for each item. It is also important to note that some tags will not be accepted by Etsy's algorithm. Using such a tag would be wasting precious space that could be used for other Etsy popular keywords. The following guide will help you determine the best tag for your Etsy listings so that you can remain competitive in the Etsy marketplace.

How to select a good product to sell on Etsy for a beginner shop?

When you search on our tool focus on new listings with recent sales. Focus on their title and tags. If they could rank well and sell an item. You can do it as well.

To make the most out of the tool, sort the listing age column from the lowest to the highest and also sort the last sale column.

Do you have a list of what are the popular products on Etsy right now?

It's difficult to come up with a product that is popular and low competition. If you're looking for what to sell on Etsy, take a look at our top-selling Etsy products page and find out.

Looking at other people's tags is an easy task.
For viewing tags of a specific Etsy shop, go to track Etsy shop and type shop name or shop link. Insightfactory will show you tags and other hidden information.
For viewing tags for a specific keyword. Search it in the Etsy keyword research tool. Insightfactory will show you tags and hidden information of listings on the first page of the search results for your search term.

How to See Tags on Etsy Listing:

Just head to the Etsy shop analysis tool and search for a top-seller shop. You can copy their listings' tags.

Keyword research tool helps you find popular products with low competition.
The first step of Etsy keyword research is to take a look at what is selling on Etsy now on this page. Now, search them in the Etsy keyword research tool. Our Etsy tag generator will analyze the top-ranking products for your keyword and show the sales estimation as well as generate a list of tags for you.

How does Insightfactory help me increase my sales?

Insight factory Etsy Tag Generator is a tool that helps you find the most popular tags on Etsy, so you can easily copy them into your listing and increase your traffic and sales. It's as simple as that!

Stop wasting your time on research and let the Insightfactory research tool do the heavy lifting for you. You'll see faster results and be amazed at how easy it is to see your traffic and sales go through the roof


When you have started your Etsy shop, and you haven't had any sales yet. You need to focus on low-competition and in demand products to succeed.
Beginner Friendly Trends are here to help you find these products.
When selecting a Beginner Friendly Trend, insert the keyword at the beginning of your title to get the best result.
Watch these guides to see how to get the most out of Trends.

From 0 to 1300 sales in less than two months using InsightFactory Etsy trends

Jessa has experimented with InsightFactory. She started a brand new shop two months ago. And in her new shop, she only creates products based on Insightfactory current trends. At the time of writing this paragraph, Jessa made more than 1300 sales in her new store, focusing on the right trends.
In this video, Jessa is going to show you how she uses InsightFactory to find Etsy trends. Jessa is an Etsy coach based in Australia. She helps many Etsy sellers daily. Watch how she gets the most out of Insightfactory.

Trends Database

This is the only way you can find trends that you have no idea about.
InsightFactory finds trends 2 to 3 months earlier than other platforms.
We only focus on sales metrics. And verify sales of a keyword in the past 7 days before listing it on the trends database. As a result, keywords on the Trends database have a high potential to increase your sales.

Accurate and up-to-date Data

Unlike other platforms relying on 3rd party data. ( Meaning buying keywords data from Google search and estimating Etsy search volume based on it. Data at best has a 1-month delay)
InsightFactory collects its data and detects trends based on accurate and real-time sales data.

Why InsightFactory data is better?

InsightFactory works based on listings on the first page of Etsy search results by taking a look at their views and sales data. As a result, we can spot trends live.
We work based on sales data on the Etsy platform, not Google data or any other sources.
On the other hand, other tools buy Google search data from 3rd party companies. And show it as an approximate Etsy search volume.
There are a few problems with their approach.
First, it is only US based.
Second, the data is at least one month old.
It is a good way to know the approximate search traffic for a keyword that is existing for more than one year. But for spotting trends their approach is useless.

The only Etsy tool you need to get successful on Etsy.

InsightFactory is the only tool you need. There is no need for other tools besides it.
You can

  • Find trending products
  • Find Beginner Friendly Trends
  • Do Keyword research
  • Find low-competition keywords
  • Spot product daily sales
  • 7-Days Sale's Signal
  • Track competitors and Etsy shops
  • Generate tags, titles, and descriptions
  • Use the guides on how to use InsightFactory
  • Use the guides on How to succeed on Etsy

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No credit card needed

New users* will get 15 free credits to do keyword research and track Etsy shops.

The Etsy Trends feature has a free limited version. In the free version, your search results are limited to 6 results with random sorting.
By upgrading, you will benefit from Beginner friendly keywords and have full access to the trends database.

You get a 7-day money-back guarantee on the monthly plans.
Long-term plans are not refundable.
Contact online support, and we will refund the payment if the request is made within 7 days after becoming a paid customer for the first time. Read refund policy here.

Masterclass and step-by-step guides

Watch our Masterclass and follow our step-by-step guides for how to run a successful shop on Etsy.
The resources are free and it covers all aspects you need to run a successful shop on Etsy.